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  • The New Water Paradigm

The New Water Paradigm

The book Water for Recovery of Climate – The New Water Paradigm by Slovak and Czech authors Michal Kravčík, Jan Pokorný, and their team explains a new approach to conventional water management. This new water paradigm, drawing on the ancient wisdom of farmers, indigenous people, and original settlers, puts your water mapping into a new perspective. They explain that water makes up much of our bodies and landscapes, and share about the small water cycles and how plants move water with the help of the Sun. This novel approach will open your eyes in this hot world: most global water-related crises, such as water scarcity, drought, desertification, flooding, rising sea levels, and climate change, are symptoms of long-term mismanagement of rainwater and vegetation. Responding to these problems with industrial methods of control and mitigation gets us nowhere. But understanding how water works illuminates solutions.
A New Water Paradigm 2.0.
M. Kravčík, J. Pokorný, J. Kohutiar, M. Kováč, E.Tóth a kol.
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